The list below includes fixes provided in all Team Developer versions since TD6.3 Update 1R was released. Key Summary --- ------- TD-17804 GRID and SAM_Click msg: user's code relies on bLock var. in SAM_Click msg. to SalEnable/DisableWindow a column. In the grid, SalDisableWindow call doesn't undo focus. TD-18353 SalNetCompileAndEvaluate online does not mention any limitation! TD-18991 When a DateTime Picker is part of the WHERE clause of an SQL SELECT, a result set is not returned TD-19730 SalDisableWindow on the child enables the disabled parent window TD-19878 Menu item "Enable when" issue when using menu shortcut TD-20548 WIN32 VisTblFindString() not working with exact match as documented (GRID and TBLW) TD-20610 It is not possible to include special characters in datafields within tabs TD-20729 cOutlineListBox.DeleteChild() would not work when ListBox is in a toolbar TD-20820 Named Toolbar does not work properly on NET WPF TD-20847 SalIsNull() is throwing an error in WPF for DateTime Picker TD-20942 Cryptic PDF exception from TD SalReportPrintToFile() in specific scenario TD-20987 SetFocus not working from Tree item of Dialog window to Form TD-21005 Pushbutton highlight TD-21083 SqlPrepareAndExecute() OLEDB crashing issuing a long query that contains an error TD-21111 Icons don't show up in context menus of Grid Windows TD-21117 VisTblSetRowColorEx() sets the edit flag on the table window even though TBL_RowHdr_MarkEdits is not set TD-21126 Different graph rendering PIE 2D/3D legacy QuickGraph VS new Graph TD-21127 Different QuickGraph rendering 2D Bar legacy VS new Graph TD-21163 The Edit Control Message EM_GETSEL works in Table but not in Grid Columns TD-21199 WM_MOUSEMOVE in WPF TD-21215 SalGetFocus() in SAM_Click on Grid returns different value than in a table TD-21216 SalGetProfileString does not work correctly with the ini file on Windows 8/Windows 2008 TD-21270 .Net TD app gets corrupt TD-21316 ComboBox not scrolling when items list contains more than 65534 elements regardless size of Max data lenght TD-21467 Location of minimized form window not retained TD-21476 Japanese is stored as garbage when saved into Oracle via SQLBase API TD-21484 Auto Fill property does not have Class Default for an instance of a drop down class TD-21485 SalTblQueryFocus does not return the row with the focus on the grid TD-21493 Combobox: dropdownlist item text color issue TD-21494 In a grid, VisTblGetCell won’t work when a cell is in edit mode (when called in SAM_AnyEdit or SAM_Validate) TD-21517 Focus issue when program goes to background. TD-21527 SalTblQueryFocus returns different values for a grid and a child table TD-21528 Differences in grid and table -SalTblSetFocusCell on a hidden cell TD-21531 SalTblQueryContext will return the row that has lost the focus rather than the one getting the focus TD-21572 SYBASE international char trans-coding issue TD-21599 SalNavSaveState() does not allow to save/restore the state of the HORIZONTAL splitter of NAVBAR TD-21628 CLONE - need back port to 6.2 sp4 - needes fix for SalTreeSetItemImageFromBinary TD-21856 Cannot set the point color on a Pie Chart using the Ufc functions TD-21859 SalSendMsg WM_LBUTTONUP to a button is never received TD-21862 SalSetWindowLoc() wrong position in specific scenario TD-21895 New chart to allow changing Data Source at runtime TD-21916 Problem with SAM_SetFocus TD-21917 When checkbox class has style set using VisWinSetStyle, instance of checkboxes do not behave correctly TD-21930 Allow use of solid color in graphs TD-21954 VisWinShow with SHOW_Maximized shows the window not covering the task bar on Win7 and XP TD-21962 Combobox selection works differently in 6.2 compared to 4.2 TD-21984 SQLBASE SqlFetchNext Fetching Binary Data crash TD-21991 Tooltip crash app in very specific scenario that might be based on timing TD-21993 Horizontal bar chart does not draw vertical line in correct place TD-21994 Expand or Collapse of group in grid window sends SAM_Click to column. TD-21995 Reportbuilder RTF print leaks USER objects TD-22000 NAVBAR rendering issue in specific scenario TD-22002 UPDATE statement truncates ints to 8 digits in MS Access TD-22006 Tooltip in TABBAR container renders differently on TABPAGES > 1 TD-22014 Grid issues while working on multi selection actions TD-22019 Bug With Docking and Tabpage TD-22021 Memory leaks dialog & form creation TD-22023 Problem with SQLServer stored procedure in .Net TD TD-22025 Document new SalTblSetColumnFlags "COL_AllowEnterKey" flag TD-22031 Different results on the IDE comparing with the EXE on Ribbon Bar events TD-22038 Failed To Create bulk PDF Reports TD-22041 SalTreeSetItemImage leaks memory TD-22049 TABBAR form created as child will not be shown on parent form TD-22051 A particular select within a class is crashing TD TD-22063 Object Nationalizer Menu Editor is disabled TD-22064 Object Nationalizer 6.3 renames all of 6.2 menus TD-22065 Suppress Line Spacing is ignored TD-22066 SalHideWindow is much slower in TD63 than in TD60 TD-22067 Context menu does not show up on right click on a data field - Access Enabled TD-22068 Tooltip shows for trees shown at the bottom of the leaf - but only some TD-22092 After removing the last named toolbar, there is no way to get it back TD-22103 SAM_RibbonShow is not generated when ribbon bar is minimized or mazimized TD-22106 WIN32 WebService WIZARD APL interface generation issue TD-22111 Ribbon menu enabled when not functional at runtime TD-22121 Custom XAML no longer working TD-22134 Grid: Two single clicks on an editable column triggers a Double click for the row. TD-22147 Crash using VisFileOpen/Read functions on UNICODE files TD-22150 When SalCreateWindow() is used as a parameter of a function TD crashes TD-22152 External function as function parameter crash TD TD-22153 Team Developer crash at certain sql query lenghts TD-22161 SalGetProfileString function works differently when running an application from the IDE vs EXE TD-22165 Crash (heap corruption) fetching LONG VARCHAR TD-22166 Office 2013 Theme: caption less DLG using VisWinSetStyle() not working TD-22180 String Column in Grid - No Valid Number TD-22194 SalHideWindow functions differently from 6.0 and there is still flickering in the application TD-22195 Improve performance of VisStrSubstitute